Bio Dept Special Seminar – Yasuhiro Arimura
Remsen Hall 1, Homewood Campus BaltimoreYasuhiro Arimura from The Rockefeller University will present a talk titled "Sub-nanometer resolution structural features of chromatin-related complexes."
Yasuhiro Arimura from The Rockefeller University will present a talk titled "Sub-nanometer resolution structural features of chromatin-related complexes."
Michal Levo from Princeton University will present a talk titled "Capturing gene regulation in action: From transcriptional bursting to enhancer looping in living embryos."
Harrison Gabel, from the Department of Neuroscience, Washington University School of Medicine, will present a talk entitled "Dissecting molecular mechanisms of the unique neuronal epigenome"
Marian Kaloscay, Department of Experimental Radiation Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center, will be presenting a talk titled "Signaling receptor dynamics resolved by proximity proteomics."