A typical schedule for eight semesters, showing only required science and math courses, is given below. This should be considered only a general guide, not a rigid schedule. Students should consult with their advisers to plot out the best path given their interests and academic strengths.

First Year

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
020.151 General Biology I020.152 General Biology II
030.101 Introductory Chemistry I030.102 Introductory Chemistry II
030.105 Introductory Chemistry Lab I030.106 Introductory Chemistry Lab II
110.106 Calculus I110.107 Calculus II

Sophomore Year

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
030.205 Intro. Organic Chemistry I030.206 Intro. Organic Chemistry II
030.225 Intro. Organic Chemistry Lab030.225 Intro. Organic Chemistry Lab
171.103 General Physics020.306 Cell Biology
173.111 General Physics Lab I020.316 Cell Biology Lab

Junior Year

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
020.305 Biochemistry171.104 General Physics II
020.315 Biochemistry Lab171.112 General Physics Lab II
020.330 Genetics020.363 Developmental Biology
020.340 Genetics Lab020.373 Developmental Biology Lab

Senior Year

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
1-2 upper-level science courses1-2 upper-level science courses