Berger, JenniferFinance Manager128F Levi Hall(410) 516-4207[email protected]
Birsit Haas, Barbara E.Administrative Coordinator/Assistant to the Chair122 Mudd Hall(410) 516-4693[email protected]
Fisher, EmilyDirector of Undergraduate Studies181 UTL(410) 516-8044[email protected]
Fisher, JamalGrants & Contract Analyst128B Levi Hall(410)-516-4821[email protected]
Flynn, Alecia A.Academic Program Manager128E Levi Hall(410) 516-5502[email protected]
Getz, KristinSr. Grants and Contracts Analyst128A Levi Hall[email protected]
Hall, JoanneSr. Grants and Contracts Analyst[email protected]
Hilser, VincentChair122 Mudd Hall(410) 516-4693[email protected]
Imes, KevinLAN Administrator III121 Mudd Hall[email protected]
Jackson, EboniSr. Administrative Coordinator144A Mudd Hall(410) 516-5214[email protected]
Kabara, ChristopherSr. Grants and Contracts Analyst[email protected]
Libao, EllenAssistant Administrator /
Sr. Financial Manager
144D Mudd Hall(410) 516-4204[email protected]
Mayer, MorganSr. Grants & Contracts Analyst [email protected]
Mberekpe, AnthonyAcademic Program Coordinator128I Levi Hall(410) 516-1366[email protected]
Mincey, KatherineAcademic Program Administrator128C Levi Hall(410) 516-4704[email protected]
Ortiz-Foy, JuliaGrants and Contracts Specialist128D Levi Hall(410) 516-5770[email protected]
Reyes, ChrisBudget SpecialistLevi 128G410-516-0086[email protected]
Schriver, DonnaAdministrator144C Mudd Hall(410) 516-4604[email protected]
Solan, ChristineTeaching and Training Specialist128H Levi Hall[email protected]
Stenley, ChuckEquipment/Facilities Service Coordinator 38 Levi Hall(410) 516-7327[email protected]
Tamburo, MadelineAdministrative Coordinator144 Mudd Hall(410) 516-7330[email protected]
Vessio, JenniferAssistant Director, Research Program Operations, Schatz Lab[email protected]
Witczak, RachelSr. Grants and Contracts Analyst[email protected]