Department of Biology Seminar Series- Carolyn Elya
Mudd 100, Homewood CampusCarolyn Elya, Assistant Professor of Departments of Molecular and Cell Biology at Harvard University, will give a talk. Damian Ekiert will host.
Carolyn Elya, Assistant Professor of Departments of Molecular and Cell Biology at Harvard University, will give a talk. Damian Ekiert will host.
David Booth, Assistant Professor in the Departments of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, will give a talk titled "The evolution […]
Evan O'Brien, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysical Chemistry at JHU SOM, will give a talk titled "New pharmacology to generate glimpses into complex GPCR signaling.". Vince […]
Gregory Lang, Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Lehigh University, will give a talk titled "Genome evolution in laboratory populations of yeast." Erik Andersen will host.
Michael Reiser, Senior Group Leader at the HHMI Janelia Research Campus, will give a talk titled "Inside the fly eye: adventures in understanding structure & function". Andrew Gordus will host.
Jonathan Lynch, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology at JHU SoM, will give a talk titled "Gut Turicibacters interact with mammalian lipid and cholesterol metabolism.". […]
Niels Ringstad, Professor in the Department of Cell Biology at NYU School of Medicine, will give a talk. Gira Bhabha will co-host with Cristina Santarossa.
Jessica Garb, Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Science at University of Massachusetts, Lowell, will give a talk. Andrew Gordus will host.
Bin Wu, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biophysics & Biophysial Chemistry at JH SoM, will give a talk. Tatjana Trcek will host.
Michelle Kim, Managing Director at the RNA Innovation Center at JHU, will give a talk. Tatjana Trcek will host.
Paul Magwene, Professor in the Department of Biology at Duke University, will give a talk. Erik Andersen will host.
Sohini Ramachandran, Director of the Data Science Institute, Hermon C. Bumpus Professor of Biology and Data Science and Professor of Computer Science at Brown University, will give a talk. Rajiv […]