Department of Biology Seminar Series – Thomas Hurd
Thomas Hurd, an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, is holding a talk titled "Divide and conquer: how deleterious mitochondrial DNA is eliminated in the germline"
Thomas Hurd, an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, is holding a talk titled "Divide and conquer: how deleterious mitochondrial DNA is eliminated in the germline"
Jason Meyer, an associate professor at Indiana University School of Medicine, is giving a talk titled "Retinal ganglion cells and glial interactions in a human pluripotent stem cell model of […]
Yukiko Yamashita, Whitehead Institute Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will give a talk titled "Mystery of gigantic introns in gene regulation and hybrid sterility" The host is John Kim.
PingHsun Hsieh, Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development at the University of Minnesota, will give a talk titled "Evolution and Biomedical Implications of Genomics Variation in Humans" Rajiv McCoy […]
Mary Gehring, Department of Biology at the Whitehead Institute MIT, will give a talk. Bob Johnston and Joshua Derrick will host.
John Moran, a Gilbert S. Omenn Collegiate Professor of Human Genetics and Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School, will give a talk titled "Studies of […]
Debra Silver, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Cell Biology, and Neurobiology, will give a talk titled "Building our brains: From RNA to evolution" that will be hosted by Bob […]
Wei Xie, Developmental Biology and Genomics at Tsinghua University, will give a talk titled "Decoding the transcription circuitry when the life begins" Xin Chen will host.
Miriam Goodman, Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology at Stanford University, will give a talk titled "Deciphering where and how touch happens". Andrew Gordus will host.
Pavak Shah, Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology at University of California, Los Angeles, will give a talk titled "Building a Holistic Toolkit for Quantitative Embryology". Erik Andersen will […]
Don Conrad, Division of Genetics at the Oregon National Primate Research Center, Center for Embryonic Cell & Gene TherapyOregon Health & Science University, will give a talk titled "Diverse monogenic […]
Nathan Lord, Computational and Systems Biology at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, will give a talk titled "Mechanisms of Robust Developmental Patterning". Bob Johnston will host.