Ru Chih Huang Biology Colloquium – Yumi Kim
Mudd 100, Homewood CampusDr. Yumi Kim, assistant professor of biology at JHU, will present a talk titled "Unraveling the molecular mysteries of meiosis: Lessons from Caenorhabditis elegans"
Dr. Yumi Kim, assistant professor of biology at JHU, will present a talk titled "Unraveling the molecular mysteries of meiosis: Lessons from Caenorhabditis elegans"
Robert Johnston, Department of Biology Associate Professor, will give a talk titled ""From finish to start: Determining mechanisms that diversify cell fates in nervous systems"
Andrew Gordus, Department of Biology Assistant Professor, will give a talk titled "A can of worms and a tangled web: Unraveling behaviors across space and time"
Nichole Broderick, Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University in the Biology Department, will give a talk titled "Friend, foe, food: mechanisms by which microbes help and hinder animal homeostasis"
Tatjana Trcek, Department of Biology Assistant Professor, will give a talk titled "Spatial organization of mRNAs: mechanisms and functional outcomes"
Starting the 2024-2025 Ru Chih Huang Biology Colloquium Series, Erik Andersen will present a talk titled "Opening a can of worms: Drug resistance mechanisms across nematode species" A poster session […]
As part of the the 2024-2025 Ru Chih Huang Biology Colloquium Series, Margaret Johnson will give a talk titled "Design and control of macromolecular self-assembly". A poster session will follow […]
As part of the the 2024-2025 Ru Chih Huang Biology Colloquium Series, Michael Schatz will give a talk. A poster session will follow in Mudd Atrium.
As part of the the 2024-2025 Ru Chih Huang Biology Colloquium Series, Will Ludington will give a talk. A poster session will follow in Mudd Atrium.
As part of the 2024-2025 Ru Chih Huang Biology Colloquium Series, Rachel Green will give a talk titled "Concentration matters: Regulation in cells of ribosome homeostasis." A poster session will […]
As part of the 2024-2025 Ru Chih Huang Biology Colloquium Series, Stephen Fried will give a talk. A poster session will follow in Mudd Atrium.
As part of the 2024-2025 Ru Chih Huang Biology Colloquium Series, Gira Bhabha & Damian Ekiert will give a talk. A poster session will follow in Mudd Atrium.